erect architecture,
Parkour Generations and
The Building Exploratory are leading free, fun creative workshops in Kilburn Grange Park:
What is Adventure? Thursday 11th June, 3.30-8pm, everyone welcome- explore what it takes to design and build an adventure playground
- make statements and signs to share your ideas about and experiences of adventure
- explore what the new Kilburn Grange Park Adventure Playground could be and share your comments
Movement as Adventure Tuesday, 16th June, 3.45-5.45pm open to 7-11yr olds*Thursday 18th June, 4.30-6.30pm open to12-14yr olds*- explore adventurous ways of moving throughout Kilburn Grange Park with Parkour Generations
(If you don’t know who they are – have a look - you will be amazed!)
Wear any training clothes and basic running shoes. Bring water.
Nature as Adventure
Wednesday, 24.6.09, 4-6.30pm for 7-14yr olds- explore adventurous building methods to make shelters and structures with natural materials.
Wear suitable clothes as you might get a bit mucky.
Kilburn Festival
Sunday 12th July 1pm-5pm- see the results of the creative workshops and the ways participants have informed design proposals for the new Kilburn Grange Park Adventure Playground
- share your comments
- make sunprints and bricolage
- explore adventurous ways of moving throughout Kilburn Grange Park with Parkour Generations*
All events are happening in and around the old nursery building (near the tennis courts).
* In order for unaccompanied children to take part, parents will need to complete a parental consent form, which you can obtain by calling us on the number below.
If you don’t have the chance to come along but want to share your comments email Susanne: or call 020 7033 2779.